Friday, March 11, 2022

Music To Write To: Kidd Video

This is something that I never really had a chance to actually play as I wrote in any real sense until very recently.

The biggest part of why is that I didn't even know there was an album available until the late 2000s or 2010s, when I was doing a user-submitted article on the franchise that was hosted on a site that took such things back then. Since the whole thing is going to need a little explanation, I'd better start there.

From 2009 or so until 2018, there was this website that started off being called That Guy With The Glasses before changing its name to Channel Awesom that had a community section that took submissions from users, and I had an ongoing series that I was putting up there called Looking Back, in which I'd write about TV shows, usually, that I'd grown up with. One of the shows I'd done a piece about was called Kidd Video, which was this Saturday morning show about a garage band that had been transported to a music-themed fantasy land where crazy adventures were the norm. The show ran in the mid 80s, so I wasn't even ten years old when it was on TV. It only lasted a couple seasons before it got cancelled, and I don't think it was in reruns for much longer after that due to there being a lot of then-current top-40 music being used to advance the plot.

The thing is, there was an actual band associate with the show, which went by the same name. They did a good mix of covers and original work that got made into music videos that got played at the end of episodes. They even did the theme song for the show itself, which is why that one was probably one of the more memorable ones. Since I wasn't aware that there was an actual album until many years after the show was just a memory, however, I couldn't have played it while working on stuff in the 25 or 30 years between when the show went off the air and when I found a most definitely unofficial YouTube channel specifically for the show.

This is not to say I didn't remember bits and pieces of it over the course of those decades. Every now and then, stray bits of episodes and half-rememberd songs would find their way out of whatever dark corner of my mind it happened to be in at the time.

But otherwise, there's not much else to say about this one. Just a fun little bit of 1980s nostalgia, really.

Here's the playlist for the songs themselves:

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