Thursday, November 10, 2022

Thirteen Pounds

I've put on about thirteen pounds in the last couple months.

I'm sure a good deal of that has come from stress eating. After all, it's been a rough month and a half or so, as I'm sure I've mentioned, and that's been my way of coping. Hopefully, I'll be able to get things back under control now that things are settling back down again.

Part of doing that will involve finding things to do that don't involve stuffing my face when I'm not at my day job. One thing I can do on that front is more of this. It's hard to eat and write at the same time, and I've had some of my best success at taking some weight off when I was doing more of this writing thing.

Another thing that will help is getting back to exercising regularly again, even if it's only the floor stuff my dad and I did before his health really crapped out on him. It doesn't have to be much movement, so long as it's some movement when I'm not at work. I've been bad about that lately, and it's starting to catch up with me.

I'm sure all this will help me get on with a few other things I've been meaning to get on with for a while now. It's kind of a positive feedback look thing, I suppose. Or at least a chain of good things to keep moving. Weight loss, writing, gaming, exercise, all things I've had goals for for quite some time now. Getting them going again will do me some good in a lot of ways.

We'll just have to see what I can make of it. See you soon.

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