Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Final Fantasy This Morning: February 28, 2018

This is sort of a “take two” sort of thing, in part due to potentially touchy real-life matters.

Okay, to begin with, I really should say that I'd intended to have this up a couple weeks ago, but health and tech issues have kind of gotten in the way of that. Before we get to that, I'll give a brief update as to where I am, gaming-wise.

With regard to Secret of Mana, between first and second attempts at this update, I finished off the boss in the witch's castle and am now at the part of the game where I'm just about to get the water magic that very likely would have come in handy with the boss fight we just did. And worse than that, the mini-boss we have to face to get it is a good deal easier to handle than the Spikey we just fought.

I'm quite a ways into Final Fantasy 9. Just about as far as I've ever made it, but not quite all the way to the end. I'd like to finish the game once, just to say that I have. The exact point I'm at right now is the start of the Forgotten Continent, in search of a place called Oeilvert. I'll at least go find it next time I've got a proper chunk of time for it, and probably get more into it then.

From there, it's on to the tech issues I've been having. I seem to have lost quite a bit of the old files I had for my blog. The folder I had it in seems to have dissappeared off my hard drive, and I could have sworn I had it backed up with the cloud service I use, but I couldn't find it there, either. I'm really not entirely sure how that happened. It's not really what I'd call a great loss, or anything, but it will delay getting things up fo a little while.

Perhaps the bigger delay here is coming from the particular health issues I've got. One big reason I'm getting this up now rather than a week and a half or two weeks ago is that I've had a bout of fatigue. Part of it is that I'm sure I had a late winter bug of some sort that I think I'm pretty much over now, but that really only counts for a third of it. The remaining two thirds come from weight issues and depression that I'm sure are in something of a feedback loop, where one makes the other worse, and round and round we go. There are a few other issues in play in this area as well, but those are stories for other times and places.

Just as a quick mention to my uStream show, while I've got my word processor up. While I do enjoy doing that, it's usually contingent on whatever else I've got going on in real life. That's kind of why I've been skipping weeks recently. I've had stuff going on that either wouldn't have made for a good show or going on where doing a show was not practical. The same goes for my YouTube stuff. I've still got some things to work with, but it's been difficult to wrangle the time for it, for a variety of reasons.

Anyway, more to come in the near future. Hopefully, at least some of it will be positive. See you soon, folks.

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