Friday, February 2, 2018

TEXT PLAY: Final Fantasy IX (PlayStation, 2000, Square-Enix): Issue #042: Getting Tricky

And I really wish it was like in the song by Run DMC.

I know I've made it past this part of the game at least once because I remember a few things that come after this, but I also remember that this is the part of the game where I really start screwing up on most of my attempts. What's worse is that I have a feeling that this is going to be one of those times where things go bad somewheres about here.

See, I'd made a mistake in leaving off where I left off last time. As it turns out there's a desert near there where there's four sink holes that the party can go into by pushing X. I'd say which direction it was from there, but I was figuring I'd just run around a bit before finding these things and deciding to go on with the story.

After saving before going in, I picked one of the sinkholes and hit the button. The screen went black for a moment and a voice, presumably Kuja's, says he knew the party would come. For sake of convenience and plot, all the playable characters plus Cid are there. Cid and Zidane are in the same cell, but it's revealed a moment later that the others all have their own. When Zidane comes to, he has a brief word with Cid, who says he thinks everybody else is OK.

Another moment later, Kuja gets in touch with Zidane somehow and tells him that the two need to have a word. Zidane's motivation to play along is that Kuja's an Evil Villian (TM), and if he doesn't Kuja will open the floors of the other cages and drop the people in them into some convenient lava. We're given the option to either play along or be all defiant and stuff. I do what I think I've always done here and just go along with the demands because I'm usually getting a little weary of the game.

Kuja says he has a little fetch quest for Zidane, after which he'll let the others go if our boy pulls it off. We're supposed to go to someplace called Oeilvert, located in some seaway he gives a name for but I forgot right away on another continent called the Forgotten Continent. Kinda fits that I'd forget part of the information I need here. Turns out though, I'm just familiar enough with this game that I'm pretty sure I can find where I need to be anyhow. The object we're looking for is called the Gulug Stone. Given all the references to previous games, I'm inclined to think that the volcano in the original Final Fantasy was also called Gulug. Could be wrong about that, though, and if the name got edited over the years, I would not be surprized. The early translations of those games are as famous for being weird as they are for being good games.

Anyway, because Kuja's feeling generous, he lets us bring a full party. I think one thing that kind of got the better of me last time I tried this part of the game was that I put Dagger in the party. Right now, she's still doing that thing where her magic fails like two thirds of the time, and not having a reilable healer is kind of a bad thing in this part of the game. So insead, I put Steiner and Vivi in as the tank and damage team and brought Eiko along as a healer. Kuja sends us on the Hilda Garde 1, which he had horked earlier in the game. Because I did indeed select Vivi, one of the Black Mages responsible for teleporting people around the place asks if Vivi wants to know why they're doing all this, but Vivi says he gets it because he'd be doing the same in their place.

On the way, there's this cutscene where Zidane tries to get answers from the Black Mages flying the airship, but they stay quiet, as has been their habit for quite a lot of the game. Zorn and Thorn show up and tell him that no matter how things work out, the Mages are pretty much fucked when Kuja's done with them, because they were meant to keel over after only so long and there's no way to fix that.

Not long after, the ship lands on the Forgotten Continent, which means we'll be hiking it from where we landed to Oeilvert. Hopefully, I didn't wind up screwing myself as badly as I did last time I tried this part of the game, but we'll find out going forward, which starts next issue. Until next time, stay safe, have fun, keep gaming, and DFTBA.

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