Monday, March 8, 2021

A While Longer

An update on a few things because it's already been a while on some of them.

I might have done this as a Final Fantasy This Morning on these things, but there's a good deal more than just video game stuff I want to cover here. Granted, it'll still be a significant part of what's been going on, but not really everything.

To start with, as I was saying in my last post, I recently got a Nintendo Switch, and I've been playing a lot of Animal Crossing: New Horizons since then, to the point that almost all my free time has been going into it. It's just amazing how much time a person can put into such simple things like catching digital fish or seeing how many oddball things there are to make out of the random junk the game throws at you. I'm at a point now where I'm probably going to need to invite other players to my in-game island. Before I do that publicly, though, I kinda want to get a handle on that with other players that I at least kind of know, and luckily, there's a Discord server I'm on that has a channel for exactly that sort of thing. The plan right now is to get on that when I know I'm likely to have time during the day for it. For the moment, I'm thinking that's going to be later on this week, since this looks like a rare one lately when I'm going to have two days off and I currently don't have any other plans for the second one.

Even though I'll probably still put a little time in there to claim the daily bonuses and rewards before then, I'm going to try to put a little time before then into the Final Fantasy Text Plays I've got going on because I still kinda want to get at least one of those knocked out. I've had the one for FF9 going on for way longer than I'd expected, in part because it's a longer game than I remembered it being. I knew FF2 was a toughie when I started, and it's proving moreso because I'm not giving it the time I should. The same could be said for FF4, even though it's the one I'm most familiar with. There's going to be a bit of a delay on that one especially because I did something dumb with it before I sat down to write this. See, I'd hoped to make a little progress and write about it so I'd have something to possibly put up for all that, just to show that I'm still doing it and not just talking about it. I'd gotten a lot of good progress, but then wound up getting my party killed because I forgot that I wasn't playing the SNES version and took on one too many guarded chests for my own good. So I'll take a break from that and try for 2 or 9 instead.

I'm also working on non-video-game stuff, too. Most notably, the Mystery Science Theater stuff is still going on. I'd intended to have chapter three of the Digimon one I'm reposting up awhile ago, but between real life, and more recently, Animal Crossing, that hasn't happened yet. I'd really like to get that taken care of before too long because I got a comment on the first one from a reader who said my blog was helpful to them. Having read that comment again, I'm not sure if they mean the whole blog in general or the MiSTings specifically, but either way, that's the kind of thing I like to hear when it comes to all this. I like to get the feedback, regardless of if it's good or bad, but especially if it's good because it lets me know when I'm doing something right, or in this case, that I'm improving somebody's life somehow. I like that; it makes me feel better about myself, which is especially important right now.

I've also got a brand-new Bandwidth Waster MiSTing in the works. It's liable to be really short, but short is good right now. I've got the riffs pencil-edited on a hard copy, and I need to get the host segments scripted out. I'm hoping to have that up soon, too.

Lastly, I'm still working on some “standard” fanfiction of my own, too. It's an Orville bit I've been working on for way longer than I'd like to admit. Gotta say, that all seemed way easier when I was in my teens and early twenties, but then again, at the time, I didn't have a day job and the whole list of adult responsiblities to contend with. I have kind of an idea as to where I want the part I'm working on to go, but getting it there is proving tricky. That's always been the thing about standard fiction, though. It's a trick making it all work in a consistent way, and it's a task made a little more difficult when one has real world responsibilites to worry about as well. Sadly, that means it really is likely to be a good while longer on that.

I'd like to think everything else will be coming on a much smaller time scale, but it's all going to take time, and real life has this way of not exactly working out as expected. After all, I'm finishing this at about 3:30 in the morning, when I should have been in bed a good two hours ago. But this is something I wanted to get finished, and I have now, so once I get the auto-post set up, it's off to bed for some decent rest.

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