Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Trouble Sleeping Again

I've been having trouble sleeping again lately, and in this case, I don't think it's got so much to do with my caffeine intake.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

MiSTing: Ten Science Thingamajiggers

This is another one of these things that I found in that old archive I mentioned in the one of these I posted back in September. This is also the one I was saying had all the artifacts from it being done on what is, by now, a decidedly ancient word processing program. I'll be leaving them in because this is a fair bit longer than “Make Good Money At Home”. I'll also be posting it all at once, even if it is a bit longer than I'd prefer for that, simply because there are no good places to break it up.

There's a nod to a bit of continuity I'm not entirely sure is my own or something from the actual show. Right at the beginning, there's a line where Pearl threatens to send Observer into the theater again, and I cand't recall if I did that or if Best Brains did it. After all, it's been the better part of twenty years since it was something important enough for me to remember.

I'm sure the things I used as a base for this come from at least one technical article, but it's hard to piece together, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have understood any of it even if it had been possible.

Since this is going to be a longer one, I'm just going to wrap the intro up now and give a brief endcap after the main event.

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Sunday, November 14, 2021

Picture Post: Deerfield Lake

This is going to be another short one, mostly because I've only got one picture from there this year.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Wednesday, November 3, 2021