Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Picture Post: Two Rest Areas

This is going to be a somewhat longer post than the previous couple.

We're starting to get back to the sort of thing I had at least intended to do with these things in previous years, in that I'm sharing a few pictures from rest areas on the way out. This year, I actually got enough pictures to make a post with, which is more than I did the last couple. All these were taken on the way out.

This first one was at the Salem rest area. The focus was meant to be the cows off in the distance, but that didn't work out as intended. At least I got a decent landscape shot out of it.

It was also a nice day to travel, as well. It shows a little better at the Chamberlain rest area. The landscape shot I got there is kind of like the one I got at Salem, where the focus was meant to be the yellow sign towards the middle, but for obvious reasons, I couldn't get close enough to get a decent shot, and all I had was the built-in digital zoom on my phone. At least it looks nice in the area, which leads up to the Missouri River, on the far left side of the picture.

The river shows up a little better in this next picture, a sign with some good advice, both at this rest area specifically and in life in general.

The back of that sign had a few interesting promotional stickers on the back of it.

Not really sure what they're for and haven't taken the time to look. There were a few others like it on the front of another sign there, as well.

I do kinda get that bottom one there, but that's about it.

I'd intended to get more pictures than I did, but it wasn't meant to be, it seems. Still, the point of at least a few of these posts is to get people interested in passing through the area. I'm not sure if I'm getting even close with that, and even if I'm not, it's still a bit of entertainment along the way.

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