Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Trouble Sleeping Again

I've been having trouble sleeping again lately, and in this case, I don't think it's got so much to do with my caffeine intake.

In this case, it's more because I've had quite a lot of aches and pains keeping me up. I'm sure a good portion of it stems from the weight issues I've been dealing with for most of my adult life, but in this case, there's a more immediate cause, as well, or at least one that's more easily remedied.

The problem this time is that the work boots I've been wearing to my day job are a minimum of three years old, and they're definitely showing their age. As a result, it's not just my feet and legs that hurt. My back and shoulders are bothering me, too, and it's all been keeping me up way later than I'd like.

I've been taking stuff for it, of course, especially before work, but it's been getting less effective, and I'm sure it's not doing my liver any good, either. The sooner I can get away from some of that, the better off I'll be.

The good news is that I've got new work boots ordered, and with luck, they'll be here before too terribly long. It's really going to be different to have decent footwear for work after all this time, but I'm looking forward to it. It'll be nice in a lot of ways.

I guess this proves what they say about how much can be affected by what goes on with our feet and our teeth.

I might have updates on this as things progress. As always, there's other stuff on the way, too.

Until next time.

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