Wednesday, June 22, 2022

A Rough Start

My summer's off to a rough start this year.

I'm sure the big gap between posts here is an indication of that. Dealing with and adjusting to the health issues I talked about at the beginning of May are a part of it. Another thing that made May a little long were the two windstorms we had that month. One was a dust storm that, as I understand, made national headlines, at least. The other, which came about two weeks later, knocked power out overnight the night it came, which made sleeping difficult for several reasons, not the least of which also involves my physical health as well. But that was May.

This month has had its own challenges. My day job has had a little more stress than usual the last couple weeks, which was only made worse by above average temperatures. Those have also made headlines, I'm sure. I'm really hoping we're through the worst of that now, though.

One ongoing thing in all of this has been yet another attempt to change my diet and eating habits. When I saw my doctor back in May, he suggested I try a lower-carb diet, which is something I've been trying to do. I don't want to be too hasty and say it's been successful just yet, but it is having some positive effects in areas where I could really use them. For example, my weight's down some, which is a good thing. I've also noticed that I really haven't needed to take antacids as much as I had been before I started this thing. I've only done so once since I started doing this, which is much better than the three or four times a week I had been before. The one not-so-great side effect is that I still need a fiber supplement, but I'm going to call it good news that it's for the opposite reason as I did prior to this most recent change in eating habits. Still, it's something I kind of want to get sorted before it really does get to be a problem

All in all, I'm starting to feel better than I have in a while, and I think having the two-week-and-change break in posting here has helped with that. It's time I got back to it now, though, and I'm going to do that by continuing to say some of the same things I have been for awhile now. I still intend to finish my Text Play of Final Fantasy 9, after five-plus years of plugging away at it. For now, I'm thinking that having the next one of those I want to do in mind might help motivate me to that end. I'm pretty sure I still have access to the first Breath of Fire game through the SNES library I get through my Nintendo Switch's online thing, and I think there's at least one Earthbound title there, too. I haven't exactly picked one out yet. I don't know if anybody still reads this thing in general any more, or if those that still might have any interest in that particular thing I do here. If there is, I'd appreciate any input they might have.

There's also a bit of fan fiction I've been working on for awhile now, too. At first, I hadn't thought it was going to be chapters, but I'm at a point now where I'm pretty sure it's going to have to be, just so I can get some of it out there to see what people think of it. I know how I want to end the first chapter, and some of what I want the second to be. Finding the ambition to make that happen has been just as problematic as the other stuff I've mentioned here. I'm hoping to have that done before long, too, but the way things have been going, it's hard to say for sure how well I'll actually do at making that happen.

As always, there's always plenty of other stuff going on here, too, but I don't want to go on too much longer about it right now. This post is already long enough to serve its purpose, so I'd better wrap up.

The plan is to have something new up again before too terribly much longer. See you then, folks.

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