Saturday, January 21, 2023

Keeping Myself Busy

Or at least out of trouble, anyway.

That's one of the reasons why I started writing all the silly little things I do, as a way to keep myself busy without getting into worse mischief. It doesn't always work, of course. I still need to get up and move more than I actually do, and I still have a bad way of eating more than I really should. Things would probably be worse than they are if I wasn't doing this, though.

It's also something I enjoy doing. From what I can tell, it's something I've liked for most of my life. A few weeks ago, I was going through some old stuff from my childhood at my mom's house and came across a report card sort of thing from preschool that had a comment on it saying I was sorta into this sort of thing for someone that age. There was also a writing project from fifth grade, I believe, that might be interesting to go over again in some way shape or form, either here or in a video. I'll just have to arrange my time in such a way as to find some of that stuff again and maybe go over it online.

It's one way of keeping my hands out of the cookie jar, at least. I'm not sure how effective it is, but it's something, anyway. Kind of like the gaming stuff I do. Maybe not the greatest idea ever, but better than nothing.

Anyway, I suppose I'd better get to some of that. Having content come out regularly is the best way to get somewhere with it, as I understand, and I'd like to get somewhere with it.

So, see you soon, I hope.

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