Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Not Exactly The Expected Idea

Or when I was expecting it.

It's still something, anyway.

When I made my previous post, I was thinking I'd have more of a plan ready to go by the time I started writing this one. Obviously, that didn't exactly happen, but I do have something like a plan for the next couple days, at least.

One is a Coffee Time video, if only because I kind of need to just ramble at my webcam for a bit, and it's about time to get on with actually using some of the coffee I've got stocked up for exactly this purpose. I've got my options narrowed down to these three:

I'm thinking the white chocolate peppermint is the one I'll be going for, but that may change. As of this writing, I'm hoping to have that video done within a day or two of this going up. The way things have been going, there's a real chance it won't happen that way

I've also got a handful of other things to get posted here along the way, too. I've got a few ideas as to how that shoud go, but as with everything else, that's all still as it comes.

As for the actual written schedule itself goes, I'll have to see how things work out at my day job. As usual, I'm still basing everything else around that for now.

So that's where I am for now. See you soon.

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