Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Off To A Rough Start

In many ways, that makes this year pretty similar to the last several, I suppose.

What makes this year unique is that we're starting off the year with the biggest snow storm we've had in my area in quite awhile. The day my last two posts went up, we were in the middle of getting just shy of 14 inches of snow dropped on us. I spent the better part of the next day digging my car out so I could get to my day job the day after. People who follow me on other social media platforms have seen pictures and read the story. Between that and trying to navigate to the various IRL places I need to be, mustering the energy to do things like this has been difficult at best..

Even if this isn't entirely different from the last several years, at least I think I've got a decent reason as to why I'm not being so quick to start this year off.

One positive thing to come from thinking about this now is that I think I've got something like a plan going forward. The rest of this week is kind of up in the air, as is next week, for the moment. The rest of this week is because I've got things I need to take care of today and then be ready for a shift at my day job where everything is shifted an hour earlier tomorrow. How all that's going to affect the days after, I'm not sure yet. Next week is undecided for now because I'm not entirely sure what I'll have for shifts then yet, but should be finding that out soon.

What I'm hoping for is that once I do get that figured out, I'll have a moment to come back to all this and try to make a schedule for all this online stuff I do, so that I can get back to doing it more regularly again. As has been the norm for quite a while now, I've got one hell of a backlog I need to get to, and have a written schedule for some of it might help get some of it actually taken care of in a more timely manner.

Now, how well that'll actually work, I'm not sure, but for the moment, at least, I'm thinking any plan is better than the no plan I have for this right now. With any luck, I'll have something along those lines before another week passes.

Either way, though, I'm hoping to have something new up in a couple days, schedule or not.

See you soon, folks.

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