Tuesday, January 3, 2023

New Year Begins

It's time to start thinking about 2023. Especially since this is coming out right at the very beginning of 2023

I've got some ideas to at least start with for the new year. I'm not sure how far I'll make it with any of them, but at least it's a place to start. And just as a heads up, expect to see the phrase “I don't know” pop up more often than it probably should. This is, after all, only the beginning, and, well, I don't know what's going to come of this stuff, let alone after it.

First up, the text play of Final Fantasy 9. The start of this year is going on eight years of my trying to finish this game, and the plan is to actually make that happen, one way or another, the sooner the better. After that, I don't know yet. I have other games I'd like to do this for, but the way things have gone the last few years, I'm not sure how good an idea that would be. Part of the reason for that is that there's been quite a lot of IRL stuff going on, much of which is probably better covered in other posts, either here or in other forms of media. On top of that, the landscape for all of this is vastly different than it was even a couple years ago, in no small part due to topics most likely given their own posts of various sorts. Either way, I'm hoping I'll have more time for fun stuff again soon.

I could say the same of the MST3K fan series I've been posting off and on for awhile now, too. For now, I'm fairly certain that once I'm done with what I've got on my hard drive, I'll be done with it for good. The thing is, as of this writing, I don't know for sure just what I've got saved there. I'm thinking four episodes of the Digimon thing for sure, but beyond that, I'll have to look. There's also a chance I'll find more on the archive I've pulled some of this other stuff from as well, but that may be more work than I'm willing to go to.

I also have things for YouTube videos that I need to finish. There are a good half dozen JM Tries videos to do, at least, and maybe more if I decide to do more than just the drinks I have on hand. There's also the one about the Associated Press Style Guide that was one of the required books from my time in college. I've been meaning to get to that since August. I don't have any solid plans after that because that one thing is still a lot of material to cover and I'll still need to make time for it.

I sometimes consider trhing to do a live stream sort of thing again from time to time. On the one hand, I enjoyed doing that sort of thing when I've done it in the past. On the other, none of my previous attempts lasted very long, in terms of episode count, because I just don't have the sort of confidence to maek it work well. One bit of good news on that front is that there are options available now that might not have been available five or six years ago, last time I tried it. The down side to that is that I may have to do a massive upgrade to my equipment to make it work. As with everything else I've mentioned so far, I'm not sure I want to be a V-tuber badly enough to go to that kind of trouble. It's yet another thing I'll need to think about.

But yeah, that's kind of where I am to start off 2023, at least in terms of blogs and YouTube. If all goes the way I'm hoping, the larger part of all this will be done by the end of March. I don't know if it will be nor not, as we're only just beginning the new year. It's way too early to predict how any of this will play out for us.

If nothing else, this is a start, at least. We'll just have to see what I can do with it going forward.

See you soon, folks.

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