Thursday, December 28, 2023

A Less-Than-Stellar Ending

Just a couple last notes on 2023.

This is more likely to be my last post of the year than the one I was making last week at this time. As always, I'd hoped to get more done than I have, but it just wasn't to be.

From the looks of things, the year is ending kind of the same way it began: with winter shenanigans from good old Mother Nature. Around the first of the year, we had multiple storms that dropped ten-plus inches of snow on us at a time. I wasn't exactly fond of that because I'm not really a fan of snow in general. That wasn't helped by the fact that I missed a couple days of work as a result.

Now that we're at the other end of the year, there's not nearly so much snow, which is OK with me. Thing is, we got sleet and freezing rain for the holidays instead, which is actually kind of worse. Things have been covered in ice, which is worse than snow in some ways. The good news is that we got what seems to have been the worst of it on Christmas Day, and I had that off because my job was closed that day. The good news is that I didn't see a huge number of news stories about car crashes and the like. The only one that stands out is one about how a couple semi-trucks rolled over on the Interstate.

The bad news is that when I went to put the garbage out at my apartment, I took the ice wrong and wound up on my ass as a result. Kinda did a number on my leg and back in the process. If there's a plus side to that, it was my right leg this time instead of my left, which is the one I usually land on.

Between weather worries and health woes, it's been difficult to concentrate on the various writing and gaming projects I've got going on. That's part of why the most recent part of the fishing tacklebox thing I've been doing took as long to get to as it did. It's also why I haven't touched Earthbound: Beginnings or Final Fantasy IX since the middle of November. I'm still intending to finish FF9, at least. I may have to restart Earthbound since I've kinda lost the plot there somewhere.

One thing I think might help me get back to some of that is to just play some of the games I've got just for funsies, kind of like what I was doing with Spiritfarer back in 2022, before I got stuck on it. Might give that another go, or Super Mario RPG, since my sister-in-law gave me that one for Christmas this year. I've got a ton of choices on that front. I just need to pick one.

The good news is that in spite of how things are going right now, I'm actually doing well enough to maybe finally get back to some of the downtime thigs I do when I'm not at my day job. At this point, the things that show up online might not show up until after the first of the year, but I'm feeling confident enough to say they're coming, and maybe even at a decent pace again.

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