Monday, December 11, 2023

On The Mend

It's where I've been the last week or so.

Longer than that, really, but it's why there hasn't been any new material from me here or on YouTube the last week. Looking back at the last JM Tries video, from about two weeks prior to this post, I realize I probably shouldn't have done that, either. I'm not sure if I made things worse by doing it anyway, but I'm pretty sure it didn't help any, either.

What I've had for the last about three weeks now has been mostly a chest cold, and it's been the worst I've had in awhile. I'll spare everybody the worst of the details, but as of now, it seems as most of the chest congestion has cleared up. The bad news here is that I still have a good deal of the cough and my head's all stuffed up.

What that means for the near future is that it'll probably still be awhile before I get back to the video stuff. Like I was saying above, my head's all stuffed up, and I sound like it. I also can't do the sort of talking I'd need to do without sounding like I'm about to cough up a lung. I've still got plenty of stuff to work on there, but it'll be awhile before I can get to it.

The news for the written stuff is a little better. I think I'm finally up to getting back to more of this kind of thing, at least. It'll still be slower in coming than I'd like, but at least it'll be coming again, which is something, anyway.

So that's kind of where I am right now. By the time most folks get to reading this, I'm hoping to be working on some of the written stuff.

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