Saturday, December 2, 2023


It's been a rough couple weeks here.

I'm feeling more behind on my projects than usual right now, but at least I've had a decent excuse for the last couple weeks.

I've had some sort of respiratory illness since about a week before Thanksgiving. I'm not sure what exactly it is, but it's not been pleasant. My head's been stuffed up and my chest has been more congested than it has been in quite awhile. As tempted as I am to go more into detail here, I think I'll spare us all that mess.

The point here is that lately, I've had trouble focusing on what I want to get done. Between the illness and the day job, I've just not had the energy for much lately. I've been trying to rest up as much as possible lately, and I think it's been helping some. I'll still be taking it as easy as I can for awhile. With any luck, I'll only need another week, but the way things have been going for me lately, I don't want to say anything specific about timing of anything.

That said, once I get through this and a couple more things done, I'll more than likely take a break from some of it and just do a few things for fun for awhile, because something tells me that'll help as much as anything right now. It's not a great plan or anything, but at least it's something like a plan, anyway.

I'll try to keep everybody updated on things as they go along. Hopefully, I'll be back with more soon.

See you then.

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