Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Vacation Day Two, part one: The Rain From Spain...

This was initially written just before dinnertime on the second day of my vacation. At that point, it had been rainy all day and not much of any seeming interest had happened.

That was really too bad, because I really wasn't getting to do any of the fishing I'd intended to do while I was up there. It would have been hard enough had I just been in bad health. The bad weather didn't do much for my spirits, though.

At least I was away from work for awhile, spending time with family. And we did go look at a few things, even if we didn't get out of the car to do it.

And I was starting to get over whatever it was I'd had for a week before going on the trip, too. That was a good thing.

But even in that, there's a little bad news. When we got back from looking around, my dad said something about having a sore throat, and we were all worried that he was starting to come down with whatever it was I had. Fortunately, though, it doesn't seem like that was the case.

Oh well, at least the cats were still around, hiding from the rain someplace.

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