Saturday, April 27, 2013

MOVIETIME MEMORIES: Edward Scissorhands

Funny the things Facebook conversations can make one remember...

I was having a nice chat with a high school classmate on Facebook yesterday evening, and in the course of the conversation, I started to remember the time my mom, my brother, and I went to see a movie called Edward Scissorhands. This was Christmas 1990, according to IMDB, which seems about right, from what I remember. What I remember about the movie itself is the surreal visuals and oddball characters, but that's actually typical of movies that Tim Burton and Johnny Depp are involved with. I'm really not much for dramas or romance movies, but I will watch one every now and again if it sounds good. That's something they share in common with horror movies, but that's for another time.

Anyway, the actual nature of the chat I was having isn't entirely relevant, but the gist was along the lines of makeup failures. The connection to Edward Scissorhands is that before we went into the movie, we'd gotten popcorn and pop, which has, for the longest time, been served in paper containers. Now, as one might expect, the printing technology for such things has improved quite a bit in the last 23 years, as have many technologies. Back then, a bad print job could be really bad.

With that last sentence in mind, I should say that I remember getting a lot of condensation on my cup, considering that it was late December, which, here in South Dakota, means cold weather with relatively low humidity. Between that and ink on the cup that was easily dissolved, it was only natural that I'd wind up getting it all over my hands whenever I touched my drink.

Thing of it is, I must have been unconsciously wiping the moisture off the cup and then rubbing my face. By the time we got out of the movie a couple hours later, that cup was a much paler shade of blue, with most of the ink having gotten on my hands and face. I remember my mom commenting, when we got home, that I wound up looking kind of like the title character from the movie.

In the end, that's gotta be the best accidental makeup job I'll ever wind up giving myself. And believe me, it's not for trying from time to time. But like I said, the printing technologies have improved markedly in the almost 25 years since then.

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