Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Okay Then...

I've said before that it's funny how things work out sometimes, and that's still true.

See, the middle of last month, I said I was still trying to do things other than all the video game stuff I put up, and that I still have some other ideas I'm working with. That's still true, of course. It's just funny that my next three posts were Text Play issues. I hadn't intended it to work out quite that way, but it's how things worked out.

I'm still working on those other ideas, though. It's like I was saying last time, that I'm still feeling a bit worn down, mentally. I'm also feeling a bit tired, physically, again, too. That's in part because I've been getting more hours at work lately. That's good because I need the money, of course, but it's not left me with much time or energy for writing.

I've also been having a little trouble sleeping, too. I think part of it's stress, because, as I noted before, I've been working more lately. At the same time, I'm writing this at 2:30 in the morning and I'm drinking coffee. That's kind of dumb of me, but there you go, I guess.

I suppose I should do what I said I was going to do at the end of the Text Play issue that went up a bit ago and head off to bed when I'm done with this now, though. I just wanted to get something that wasn't video game related up beforehand, and now that I have, maybe I'll sleep a little better.

See you soon with something else, folks.

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