Saturday, October 31, 2020

Odds And Ends And Stuff: The Series: Travel Sized Grooming Goodies Part One

 As with so much of what I do, I'm not sure how far this will go or what will come of it,

This is kind of like my “JMShearer Tries” series on YouTube and the whole Text Play thing I do here. I don't really have any big plans or ideas for where I want it to go or how long I think it'll last. In both cases, they've lasted way longer than I'd expected and there's still more I'd like to do with them. I suspect this will be more or less the same, because, as I mention in the video below, I've got some tidying up to do in my apartment, and I'm sure I'll find more as I go through all the boxes and drawers full of junk I've got around here.

Here's the video:

I'm probably doing this backwards for how this is all playing out, since by the time this blog goes live, the video will have been up on YouTube for awhile. I might try switching things up with later videos, just to see how that works instead.

These Blogger versions will come with extra stuff that I wound up leaving out of the videos, mostly by mistake, as I'm doing them in one long, unrehearsed take. I'll be going for what I think are noteworthy things that I just forgot to say or glossed over in the video.

In this case, the biggest, and only, really, one that comes to mind as I write this is that when I say something might come from when I was a dorm dweller in college, I forgot to mention that there were a couple years when I was part of the volunteer setup crew for the dorm I was living in, Brown Hall at SDSU. Some of this stuff, as well as some of the items that will appear in the next video, might have come from what they handed out then just as easily as it did from the “care package” kit stuff that was sponsored by all these companies, if I can't say for sure it came from those summers at Mt. Rushmore.

Hopefully, I'll have the next video out soon. I've been trying to get on a better schedule for a lot of things, but haven't been nearly as successful as I'd like.

Anyway, see you soon with more stuff.

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