Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Updates And Stuff: October 13, 2020

 I had considered doing this as a Final Fantasy Tonight/This Morning post, but there's at least one non-gaming thing I want to cover here, too.

I'll get to the gaming stuff in a bit, but first, the one non-gaming thing that comes to mind. I've been wanting to get back into doing video stuff for awhile now, snice it seems like the situation with Google and YouTube is not as bad as I had feared. Like I was saying in the comments of the last Coffee Time video I did, I suspected I was being at least a little more careful about things than I needed to be, and it turns out I was at least partly right. Or at least it seems that way, for now. Hopefully, I'll be able to get at least one more CT video and a “Stuff” video before too long. After all, I said it wasn't goodbye forever, and it's time I got back to that.

There are at least two video game related items to cover as well. Firstly, I've been considering the three Text Plays I've got going right now. I've probably mentioned this in at least one issue of them, but I seem to have taken on a little more than I should have in that regard, especially since all three games I'm doing are from the Final Fantasy series. I'm still planning to have at least one of them wrapped up in some sense before too terribly much longer. I still need to give that some thought, since all three are ones that I've not quite finished. I know one's for FF4, which I've technically done at least twice here, but both those were the Super Nintendo version, and I'm doing the Chronicles version now, which for the PS1.

Once I've got that figured out and sorted and whatnot, I'll probably give myself a break from having so much of that going at once. Part of why it's all taking so long is the volume, as I've mentioned, and having less of that for awhile will help.

The other big gaming thing I've got to cover here is the NES clone console I've been trying to coax into working for me on and off for a couple years now. Part of the reason for that is I had wanted to do a run of the original Dragon Warrior/Quest game for a good long time now, and having some way of doing that is a step towards making that happen. I think I've got everything all set up correctly, because I kinda-sorta get somewhere when I turn the console on. One recommendation is that I clean the carts I've got before I use them. I just need to set aside time for that. It still might be awhile before I get to it, though. I've got other stuff I need to do first, aside from just finishing the other games I've got going. There's also the video stuff I mentioned at the top of the post, and IRL stuff too.

So, there's kind of a brief update on a few things. Hopefully, I'll have more of everything up soon. See you then.

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