Monday, January 4, 2021

Things Are Different Now: The 2021 Edition

Boy, that last year was something else, wasn't it?

I'm sure it felt like at least five years for a lot of us, myself included, just based on national and global events alone. The two biggest ones on those fronts are still going on, sadly, and don't show any signs of letting up any time soon.

That was kind of to be expected with the pandemic. Such things have always taken time to get sorted, after all, and there was never any reason to think this time was going to be any different. There were things that could have been done to slow this business down, and still are, really, but there seems to be an unwillingness to actually do them.

The whole election mess we've got going on here in the US is a big mess, too. Even though it's hard to say if anybody saw it going the way it has, it all fits with the pattern that's been established over the last few years, too So, of course we're going to have to make things way more difficult than they need to be this time. Hopefully, we'll make it through this.

There was some personal stuff that was kinda tough that happened along the way, but I've said as much as I care to for now in the previous post, so I'll just move along to some more positive things.

A few good things did happen along the way. They might not seem like much when I get to them, but like I was saying last time, sometimes we've gotta take our good things where we can.

My health is one of those good things. It's held pretty much the same for most of the year, which I'm going to call a good thing even though my situation really isn't so much. I was hoping to lose weight, and I may have, but if I didn't, that's OK, too, all things considered. So long as I didn't gain weight, I'll be good with it.

The big goal I set for myself, outside my health, for the year was making a hundred posts to this blog before the end of the year. I pulled it off, but only just barely. The post I made for the end of the year was number one hundred.

With that in mind, I suppose it's time to look forward to what my plans and goals for the coming year will be.. It's a good idea to have at least a couple things written down for that. Or at least that's what I've heard, anyway.

On the purely personal front is to continue taking off some of the vast amount of weight I need to lose. It might be a good idea to set a specific amount right now, but I'm gonna wait on that for the time being because I want to get a better feel for how the year's actually going to shape up, and I've also got a doctor apointment coming up soon, and I should have a better idea of where I actually am after that. Once that's taken care of, I'll try to revisit the matter and maybe set an amount and a time frame then.

With regard to the online stuff I do, I think I'll stick with trying for another hundred posts to the blog again this year, for starters. That averages out to two a week, and it's at least doable, I think.

Alongside that, I'd like to get back into making YouTube videos on a more regular basis again. Since that's something that takes a little more planning and effort to pull off, I'm only going to try for one a month on that. Twelve videos in a year isn't much compared to what some folks out there do, but then again, all this is more just a hobby for me. The good news is that I do have some of what I need to do the first one, and since I at least tried to start a series about the odds and ends I find around my apartment, I'm sure I'll come up with some stuff for other videos along the way, too.

One thing that will undoubtedly help with that is having a schedule for what I'll be doing when in my free time. I had thought I'd mentioned something like that in a post closer to the end of the year last year, but I couldn't find it quick, so I'll go over it again. I used to have schedules for this sort of thing that I'd update on a fairly regular basis, but then I let it go when I let my health go. It's been awhile since I've done something like that, and I figure doing it again might help me get back on track with what I want to do in other areas as well.

My day job kinda needs to come first, though. There are a few things getting sorted out there, as I understand, that will help with making time for what I do here, too. It's just going to take a bit of time before I can get to making the schedule for all this other stuff. I'm hoping that won't be too terribly much longer.

So, that's kind of where we are now. We'll see how things work out going forward.

Here's to 2021. May it at least not be worse than 2020. See you soon, folks.

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