Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Last Post of the Year: 2020

Well, here we are, New Year's Eve.

This year's been a hell of a ride, hasn't it? With all that's been going on, people keep saying it's been a long decade, or century, or millenium or whatnot, and it sure seems like it, I can agree. A lot has happened, and it's been hard to predict how it was all going to go, assuming we even knew it was coming.

The thing I guess we knew was coming was the presidential election. The good news, at least from my perspective, is that we've supposedly got a different president who'll be taking office in a few weeks. The bad news there is that the current guy's handling it about as well as a lot of us were expecting, which kinda sucks, and the situation's only made worse by not knowing quite what to do about it all.

And then there's the pandemic. It's been bad everywhere, from what I understand, but maybe a little worse here in the US because there were things we could have done to keep it from getting as bad as it has, and we didn't do them. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the situation at least a little bit and maybe I'm oversimplifying things to some degree as a result, but it seems to me that the reason we didn't do what we kinda should have to at least slow this thing down a little bit is that we just plain and simply didn't want to for... Well, I'm sure there are a lot of reasons why, but I don't feel like speculating too much right now. I guess I'll call it good news that I'm at least still working through all of this, even if I'm really not sure I want to call that an entirely good thing.

As for personal stuff, well, it's been kind of a mixed year. The biggest downer of the year on that front, at least as I'm writing this, is that my Grandma Jean passed in late February. Much as we all miss her, I'm also a little bit glad she's at peace now, too. Her health had been getting worse even before the stroke that finally got her, and the last couple months were not pleasant for anybody.

It's kind of hard to follow something like that, especially when I'm moving to something more about myself. Still, with all that's been going on this year, a guy's gotta take good news where it comes. With that in mind, my own health has been holding steady. Granted, all things considered, that's not really great news or anything on accout of my health not being particularly spectacular and I'm more than a little injury prone, especially when winter comes around, as it finally has.

On a final bit of good news, I did manage to make that 100-post goal I set for myself back in January. This post is technically it, and it's coming in right at the wire. I'd kind of hoped for more, but given everything else that's happened this year, I'll take making it to 100 like I had originally hoped to.. Like I was saying, gotta take the good news where it comes, after all.

We can only hope that 2021 will be better than this last year has been. We'll see when it gets here, of course. We're still just under a day away from that now. I'll probably do what I'd intended to do last year and come up with a few things I'm looking forward in the coming year, but for now, that'll come in the early part of said year, since it's so close now.

Anyway, we'll see you in 2021, folks.

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