Saturday, December 12, 2020

A Missed Milestone

So, it turns out I've been doing something like regular updates to this silly little thing for just over a decade now...

I'm working on this later at night than I probably should be, but that's when things like this tend to occur to me. Like I was saying above the jump, I've been at this whole blogging thing for ten years and about a month now. The first official post I made was on November 6, 2010. I wasn't sure how long I'd be doing this when I started, and that remains true.

There's part of me that wants to do a whole big thing about this, but since I'm way late with it, in more ways than one, I won't make this super long. I might do something bigger for it at another time, especially if there's sufficent interest.

When I first started this, I'd thought it would go in other directions than it has. One thing I'd kind of hoped would come of it is a little extra income in some way, shape, or form. That didn't entirely work out as expected, though not entirely for lack of effort on my part. Granted, there were, and still are, things I could, and really should, do differetnly. Different content from what I'm actually doing, and make more regular posts. I've known that since the start.

Part of the reason I've been sticking with what I have been is because I've still had the same day job this whole time, and since that's where I get my income, I've been doing what is easiest for me when it comes to doing this. It seems a bit strange to say that it's been the video game stuff, but that's how it's shaken out. I haven't had nearly as many ideas for just writing my own stuff as I'd thought I would, especially in the last five years or so. Haven't had as much time or funding for a good chunk of the other stuff. Things like travel, movies, and eating out are rather expensive things in normal years, and we've got the whole “human malware” thing going on this year, too.

Another part of why I'm doing more video game stuff than a lot of the material I'd thought I'd be doing is that I've already covered quite a lot of it towards the very start of this, and I'm not quite talented enough at this to keep going over it again and again and keep it interesting. I keep coming up with ideas, sure, but I'm usually at work when I do, and I'll either forget by the time I get home or decide that I've already done enough with whatever the idea was.

That said, there are still a few things I've got in mind to work with. I just wanted to make note of this milestone first. Now that I have, I really should get on with those other things. Until I manage to make that happen, thanks for taking the time to read these things over the last decade or so. I really do appreciate it, even if it may not always seem so.

Here's to another ten years, maybe.

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