Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Final Fantasy This Morning: February 10, 2021: Things I May Already Have Said

I might have mentioned some of this already, so I'm hoping this will be something of an update.

I think I might have mentioned in a recent one of these that I'm gonna finish one of these just to have one less to worry about. The update I've got to that is that for the moment, anyway, is that it looks like the one I'm gonna get done with is the Chronicles version of FF4. I do still have some grinding to finish, but I'm getting to a point now where I'm more in a mood to just try my hand at finishing the game to see what it's like in this version. Given how the rest of the game's been so far, I'm expecting it to be more difficult than I'm used to.

I'm still intending to get on with 2 and 9 as well. I'm actually making progress on 2, even if it's taking me awhile to get that post up. The thing about 9 is that I'm still at the farthest point I've ever made it to and just can't seem to get my mind right to just get on with it. I know it's going to take awhile, but that's because everything in games like this takes awhile and it's not stopping me when it comes to the other games I've got going on now.

I could blame it on having a lot going on at work and/or not feeling well right now, which are both true things, but it's like what I was saying before, those things aren't stopping me with the other games, either. As I write this, I'm coming off a nine-day work week, so I'm a little burned from that. On top of that, I've got a bit of a cold or something, too, which isn't helping any.

The good news is that now I've got a little time to work on some of this stuff. I'll have a proper day off this week, and since we're having the cold snap I mentioned in the last post, I should be able to make at least a little time for this.

There are a few things besides video games to work on as well, so if I don't get the gaming stuff up, I might get some of that done. There's more of that than I'd like to get into right now, but suffice to say, there are a few options here.

We'll see what comes of this, of course. I'm hoping for good things, but only time will tell. See you soon, folks.

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