Thursday, February 11, 2021

Some Packaging Designs: Hy-Vee Instant French Vanilla Pudding

I'm finally getting to some going through of things in my apartment, so I may as well do something with it.

This is something that might have fit in that Odds and Ends video thing I came up with back in October or November of last year, but I didn't think about that until it was a bit too late. The good news is that if I remember later, I can still do one like it another time.

Anyway, this is a case of old packaging versus new. Before I sat down to do this, I figured I'd make use of some of the instant pudding I've had in my kitchen cupboard for too long, in part because I was in the mood for a somewhat better snack than I've been having lately, an in part because I've got some in there that's not three years out of date that I'm not sure why I bought.

When I was giving it all a look-see, I noticed that the packaging had been redesigned in the however many years it had been since I bought the stuff that expired at the end of January, 2018. Check them out:

The old...

...and the new.

I think I like the older one a little better, to be honest. The picture that covers the front and the non-Italicized font is a more modern design, sure, but the older one reminds me of the late 1980s and 1990s more, which were good times for me. Plus, the old one has that nice ribbon design on there that says “Instant” in a much more visible way. It also says that it's ready in five minutes right on the front, too, so there's a good chance it'll be ready by the time I've got this ready to go live. I'm assuming it'll still be good, but I've been horribly wrong about this kind of thing before, so one never knows for sure.

As I was saying above, I do have a similar pair of packages I could use for a video version of this. I might actually do that if I can get my head together and don't come up with something else before then. It'll just be about a different flavor of pudding.

Either way, it's nice to get something up that's not video games or just me making things up as I go. I'll probably be back to either or both of those soon enough, but for now, here's something different for a change.

See you soon, folks.

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