Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Music To Write To: Star Trek: Generations Soundtrack

I can't remember if it was here or on some other social media that I mentioned maybe doing a few bits about the albums I used to write to back when I was in college, but I guess I'm finally getting to it.

If I recall correctly, the album I was listening to when this idea first came to me was one called Tubthumping by a band called Chumbawamba, which came out in the mid to late 90s. I'd kinda intended to start with that one, but things kinda got away from me, so I'm starting with something else instead.

That something else is the soundtrack from Star Trek Generations, which came out when I was a sophomore in high school, I think. Pretty sure that's where I would have been in 1994. Graduated in 1996, so 94 would have been sophomore, I think. Originally, I got it for Christmas in 1995, I think, alongside a protable CD player. Gonna plunk the YouTube version down right here:

That's copyright Paramount/GNP Creshendo, by the way. I'm not out to make any money off this, and no infringement is intended.

Now, my memories of this particular album the first couple years I had it are a bit hazy, but that was the better part of thirty years ago now. I'm honestly not sure how much time I spent listening to it, but it was in my collection alongside the soundtracks for the first episodes of DS9 and Voyager, as well as a few other movies and some Weird Al, too. Probably had it going when I was doing homework.

I know it was in my rotation for that sort of thing when I was off to college, with quite a lot of others, too. I'd wind up doing kind of what I'm doing now, staying up way too late working on homework assignments and various other writing projects. It was good for that.

It really fit with the movie it was from, too, but that was kind of the point. Dennis McCarthy did good work, and still does, far as I know as I'm writing this. This soundtrack, and the movie itself, really, makes me remember a time when I had a much stronger sense of hope than I do right now, and I'd kind of like to get that back. For the longest time now, I've had trouble thinking that there are better days ahead. I'm sure I'm not the only one in that spot right now. We're not even a month into things maybe getting better, so things are bound to seem pretty gloomy for a little while yet, but we can still hope that things are going to get better going forward.

I guess that was one of the themes of Generations, and Next Gen in general, really. Things might seem gloomy in the present, but as long as we keep working towards better things, we might actully get there eventually.

The better things I'd like to keep myself working towards are, well, resolving my health and weight issues, sure, because those are important, but just as important are some of the other things. Other things like being able to actually make a little money from this writing thing I do. Much as I like doing things like this, I'm also still rather fond of writing fiction, too, even if I haven't done much of real note in that department in ages. At least, not much in terms of anything new, anyway. I've got a few ideas kicking around in my head, and one I've actually got going. I just need to make time to get them done and posted somewhere, along with all the other little projects I've got going.

Maybe going back to some of my favorite old albums will help with some of that. Even if it's only the writing part of it, at least it'll make keeping my hands out of the cookie jar a little easier, which is something I could really use these days.

Anyway, I'd better get to bed once I get this ready to go, and maybe get on with some of my other projects when I've got some rest. See you soon, folks.

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