Saturday, February 20, 2021

TEXT PLAY QUICKIE: Final Fantasy 4: Chronicles Version (2001; PS1): Issue #015: Maybe Taking Awhile

This may take awhile, for a few reasons.

For as often as I say that this is my favorite game, it may take me longer than I thought to finish it this time. Part of that is because it's been awhile since I've played it, so I've forgotten a few things about this last dungeon. I still mostly know how to get through, but I lost my way in a few places. I'm sure that has something to do with my doing this way later than I really should, as well as the fact that I'm not as young as I used to be any more.

Part of it is also that this version is a good deal more difficult than the one I'm used to. I wound up taking quite a lot of damage and even lose a few party members in fights where I don't usually do so badly.. The good news is that I think I figured something out after all these years of not knowing any better. See, my usual strategy has been to use the Imp summon on an enemy called the Red Giant because it causes them to explode, though it takes out a party member in the process. All this time, I thought it was because they just did that much damage, but it turns out that it's a one-hit kill no matter what.

Like I was saying above, I still kind of know how to get around the path to the core. When I sat down to do this tonight, I figured I'd go in and get some of the more easily accessable gear and try to avoid the big ones guarded by minibosses. I didn't quite make that work, because after I got the the Flame Whip, called FlameLash here, I found my way to the Murasame and got that mostly by mistake. I missed what the monster, the White Dragon, I believe, said because I hit the button a little too quickly. I also wound up losing Rosa and Edge in the fight. That's when I decided it was time to call it for the night. Fortunately, the Exit spell still lets me get out, at least on these early floors, so I took advantage and saved after using the recovery tiles at the entrance to the Crystal Palace, which guards the path to the core.

I'll probably make the next one of these a little longer, just because I want to get more done with these. For now, though, I'm going to keep this short because I want to get something posted before going to bed. Until next time, stay safe, have fun, keep gaming, and DFTBA.

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