Tuesday, July 13, 2021

In The Queue: July, 2021

I'm going to try to remember the first part of that title for when I want to talk about what I've got planned for the blog here.

That's actually kind of clever, as far as titles for these “plans” posts go. I'm surprised it's taken me the just over a decade to think of using something like this, even if it isn't as clever as I think it might be.

So, what are my plans at the moment? Well, what I'd call the biggest thing, at least for now, is the repost of the fifth episode of that Mystery Science Theater series I've been putting up every so often. I've actually already reposted it once, in three parts, found here, here, and here. That was just shy of ten years ago now, not long into my career here. I'll almost certainly repeat some of the things I was saying in those posts, but I'll probably try to talk more about what went into making it, like I have for the previous four episodes I've done.

The Text Plays are also ongoing. As I was saying in my last post, I may have to cancel the remainder of Final Fantasy II Origins due to technical issuse. I'll probably be working on resolving those shortly after this goes live. I'm hoping it doesn't come to cancelling anything, but I'm also not as confident as I'm trying to seem. After all, I've also got FF9 and FF4 to get on with as well, and then maybe decide what to do next on that front.

As for the videos, I've got a few ideas to work with, but I'm having trouble picking one to work with. I'm sure I'll get something figured out in time. It's certainly not for a lack of material, just like everything else I do here.

Another thing I'm working on is revising my “press time” again. I know I did something along those lines only a couple weeks ago, on account of changes to my work schedule at my day job, but it seems things have changed again on that front. I'm going to officially call my posting schedule here floating. What that means is that, for now, things are as likely to come up in the morning as they are in the evening. For the time being, my start time is pretty much back to where it was before I shifted to an evening press time, but now I'll be at work for a good hour longer, on average. It's good because I have to fund all of this somehow, but the down side is that it makes actually doing it a little more difficult. Still gonna make the effort

That's what I've got planned for the moment. There's always more, and things are subject to change as the situation requires. See you soon, folks!

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