Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Another New Month

September already, huh?

This year is really going by fast. As I’m so often saying, I’ve always got more ideas than I’ve got time to do anything with. I’m sure part of that is that I’ve never been much good at time management. It’s something I’m working on, even if it isn’t especially obvious.

Another part of it is that my health is starting to catch up with me. I mentioned some of it in my birthday post last month. Since then, I’ve had an ultrasound of something that’s been a spot of concern, and also a CT scan of my abdomen as a follow-up because the first thing didn’t show anything. The CT scan did show some things that I’ve known were concerns were kind of going on. The initial concern was a hernia, and while there was one, it wasn’t where we thought it was. Alongside that, there’s also liver, spine, and kidney issues going on. I’ve got a few things to say about all this, but I’m trying to get a video made about that, where I’ll get more into that.

I’ve also got the stylebook thing I’m hoping to get done soon, too. I just need to get the hard copy of that post printed from my files so I can show some of the things I mentioned in the post from last month.

I also have some MST3K stuff I’ve been trying to finish for awhile now. I’ve found the stuff for that again, at least the physical stuff. I think I’ve started with some of the computer stuff, too, but I need to find that again still.

This is still part of an ongoing experiment to see if I still get consistent hits on these posts after what was pretty much a junk post. So far, it looks like I do, but this will only be the second post after that one. That’s part of why I’d like to get back to doing all this stuff more regularly again, too.

That’s where I am for now. As always, more to come, hopefully sooner rather than later.

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