Thursday, June 1, 2023

Picture Post: Old Fishing Tackle Boxes, Part One: A Quick Look

I've been going through my dad's old fishing tackle the last couple weeks and figured I'd get a few pictures because some of it's pretty interesting.

There's actually quite a lot of stuff, so this will probably be at least two parts.

Part of the reason there's so much is that a good chunk of it is stuff that my dad and I inherited from his father about the time he passed more or less fifteen years ago now. My dad and I did get a fair amount of use out of a lot of this stuff over the years, and I'll talk about some of that when I get to it. I suppose I'd better get to that.

For starters, here's the two green boxes I'll probably be keeping:

The open one is one I've had in my apartment for years and have used on occasion when I managed to do a little fishing on my own. The bigger, closed one in the back is the one my dad used for summer fishing tackle for quite a long time, and that's where a lot of the stuff I used when I went with him was. About the only things I remember finding in the one I've got open were these Twisters, the crappie rig and the container of loose hooks with the Robson's True Value label on it:

I think this plastic bug might have come from there, too:

If it seems like there's a lot of casting lures so far, it's because there is. So far, the only still-fishing thing I've shown is the crappie rig in that second picture. We had quite a lot of spinners because for a long time, there were fishing boats involved, and my dad liked to cast from shore, too. Here's a couple that were loose in that bigger green-topped box:

They're from a much larger collection, part of which is shown here:

I might keep some of them just for old time's sake, but I don't know how much use I'll get out of them because I'm less of a boat guy than my dad was and I'm not much for casting, either. The same goes for the spoons, or daredevils, as we called them, though I do believe the latter there was a brand name:

I'm going to wrap up this part with some of the ice fishing stuff because that was one of my dad's favorite winter activities:

These came from a box I didn't have a picture of when I sat down to write this part of all this. I'm not sure I'll get one later, in part because it may not be an option. A majority of the things I've shown here and will show in the next post or two is going to wind up getting donated to the local outdoor sports program that the state runs.

I'm going to wrap this up here for now, though. I've put up quite a lot of pictures, and I've got at least as many more, so I'll do a part two, for sure. Hopefully, that'll be up before too long.

Until next time, see you soon.

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