Thursday, June 4, 2020

A Quick Update

This is something I've started a couple times now.

If you're reading it, that means I actually managed to get it finished and posted, finally.

I just wanted to do a quick update here and say that yes, I'm still here, still working on at least a few of the projects I've mentioned in previous posts. And better yet, they're not all video game related. I kind of like that idea, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Part of the reason I've been a little slower than I'd like in getting to all of that is that this whole pandemic thing hasn't exactly gone the way I'd expected it to. See, when all this started back in March, I was kind of thinking I'd wind up with fewer hours at my day job. Granted, it wasn't an idea that I was particularly fond of, but with everybody social distancing and staying home and all that, we weren't going to be as busy where I work, since it's food service, after all, and I hadn't thought drive-through was as essential a thing as it's turned out to be.

I'm not exactly complaining, mind you. The overtime I've been getting the last month or so has been nice, and I'm sure it'll be even nicer when I finally get a chance to start using it. It's just that I was hoping to have a little more time to do things like watch movies, play video games, and write stuff, and I've wound up with the opposite of that.

The good news is that if what I think I know is actually correct, I may actually wind up with a little more free time soon. That's good, because, now more than ever, I could really use a little decent down time, and not just for the rest. I'm looking forward to doing things that aren't job or video game related soon, and maybe sharing some of that with my readers here.

See you soon with some of that, I hope.

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