Thursday, May 20, 2021

Final Fantasy This Evening: May 20, 2021

Since I'm coming up on the end of at least one of the games I'm doing here, I may as well say something about where I think I might go next on that front.

As I'm sure I've mentioned a time or two now, a couple months back, I finally got a Switch console, and I've been enjoying that a bit more than I really should. That's not entirely a bad thing, but I do have other projects I need to get on with, and it's taken me the better part of three months to get to a point where I'm in a place where I can do that.

Like I was saying both at the start of this post and at the end of the last one, I'm coming up on the end of at least one of the games I'm doing here, and probably all three, which means I need to give a little consideration to what I'm going to do next. The good news is that I've at least got a few ideas, and the Switch opens a few things up on that front. Not quite the way I had hoped, at least not just yet, but it does give me a few options.

See, when I set the thing up, I decided to splurge and subscribe to the online service for the thing as well, which gives access to what could be NES and SNES virtual console or emulator sorta things. There's good news and bad news there. The bad news, unfortunately, is that they don't seem to include some of the games I had most wanted to do here, which means I'm going to have to suss out the other means I've got to get to those.

The good news, however is that it does include one for the SNES that I've wanted to revisit for awhile now, plus a sequel I never thougt I'd have a shot at. I've been meaning to have another go at Breath of Fire for quite some time now, but have been having issues with the original cartrige version I've got. The fact that I can now run it on the Switch is a real help, and the fact that I can play it on my big screen is a definite plus. There's also Breath of Fire II on there, if I'm actually seeing what I think I'm seeing there.

Another option I'm considering here is taking advantage of the New Game Plus option for Legend of Mana that I got when I did my run of it here almost a decade ago now. When I finished it back then I knew it was going to be awhile before I got back to it, but I hadn't intended for it to be quite this long. Given that my attempt at Secret of Mana stalled out on me and I haven't gotten around to getting the Collection of Mana compilation that came out probably a year and a half ago now yet, now may as well be the time for that, too.

I had hoped that the NES package would have the early Dragon Quest games in it, because the first one in that series is what got me hooked on RPGs in the first place. Sadly, that doesn't seem to be the case, which is really too bad. It's a fun, if simple game. I've got the cart for it and an emulator to run it on, and if I can figure out how to get the damn thing to work, I'll be more than happy to consider that option, as well.

Before I make any decisions on that, though, I've gotta get through the games I'm working on now. Since I'm coming up on the end of at least one of those, I'm nearing a point where I'm likely to be making a decision. I just need to get on with all of that, and hopefully, I will before long.

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