Saturday, May 8, 2021

Music To Write To: Ghostbusters II Soundtrack

While my preference is for the original in terms of both the movie and the soundtrack, Ghostbusters II is the one I had handy in my YouTube playlist.

This is not to say I didn't, and don't still occasionally, enjoy the 1989 sequel to the 1984 Ghostbusters movie. I also spent quite a bit of time with the soundtrack to it playing either in the background or through headphones while working on various writing projects since middle school, really.

Just so anyone who cares to can give it a listen without opening a new tab, I'll embed it below:

The soundtrack and music above is copyright to various holders, and I mean no infringement by sharing here.

I remember seeing the movie in theaters with my brother and mom when it came out in the summer of 1989. It was kind of a meh experience for us, as I recall my dad commenting a few months later that my brother and I weren't quoting the original to one another quite the way we used to before we'd seen the sequel. Thirtysome years and one reboot-slash-alternate-take later, GB2 really doesn't seem quite as bad as it did to twelve year old me. And that's not exactly knocking the 2016 version, either.

Even though the movie itself wasn't exactly what I had hoped it would be, it's a nice entry in the franchise. The soundtrack really saves it, I think. This is one of the first, if not the first, movie soundtrack I bought with my own money back in 1990 or 1991. It was worth it, and I'm sure I came closer to wearing the tape out than I realize over so many years of use. I'm pretty sure I still have it in my collection someplace.

What makes it such an enjoyable listen is that the producers managed to get some high end music and performers for a movie that wasn't that, so much. They had the likes of Bobby Brown, Elton John, and Oingo Boingo doing music for the film, and even a rap version of the main theme by Run DMC.

I've also done a lot of interesting projects to this particular album, including this one. A fair amount of it was school work, of course, but there was also quite a bit of other stuff that's still around in some form, too. I'm sure I'll share some of it here and there, too.

As for the movies, well, I'd definitely recommend the first one, and this one after that. The 2016 remake dealie wasn't so bad, but I think that has more to do with my having been a fan of some of the fan material I've seen over the years, and that's what it reminds me of.

Otherwise, I think that's about all I have to say about this one. As always, stay tuned for more.

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