Saturday, May 1, 2021

Another Quick Update: May 1, 2021

I know this is coming right on the heels of the last one, but I need to make a few more posts this month if I want to keep up with my goal of 100 posts this year.

The good news is that I have a couple things in mind to make that happen, and better yet, I may actually have the time to make some of it happen, too.

One of those things might actually be coming later on today, even. Just finished a new entry in my self-insert take on MST3K, which is actually kind of fitting, since they're doing a Kickstarter for a new season that's going to be an entirely independent production. They've got a website for anyone who might want to give for that, which can be found here. I've already put a little towards that since I had some to spare this time around.

My own thing that I was talking about just now should be going up around 5 PM, if not today, then next Saturday, which is the usual time for that sort of thing. Not sure if I'll actually make today because I'm up too late again and want to give it a hard-copy readthrough before I post it, which is something I'm not sure I could get done before I need to go to bed.

And since I'm still thinking I'm going to have a good amount of free time coming up in the forseeable future, I might actually be able to at least put a little more time into some of my Text Plays, too. I don't necessarily want to say I think I'll finish any of them in the near term because, as I think I might have said last time, I've been thinking that for quite awhile, and it just happened.

I've still got quite a bit of MST3K stuff of my own to work with, too, and I'm hoping to get to some of that soon as well. I won't set a hard date on any of that, since, again, things tend to not go well when I try things like that.

I'm always looking for other, more general writing to do, as well, not just fan fiction or specificially MST stuff I do. That's also in addition to the video game stuff I do, too. All that's still coming, too, of course. I'm just always looking to do more.

The good news is that I think I'm gonna have a little more time for it all, at least in the very near term, and I'm really looking forward to that. As always, see you soon, folks.

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