Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Feeling Ambitious

And yet not, somehow.

I've been getting quite a lot done lately, which is a good thing. It would be better if more of it was from the pile of stuff I've been talking about for a good while rather than mostly side project stuff. At least I'm getting things done, though.

For example, I've got another set of images from my half-assed art pile ready go go up on my DeviantArt page, which will be the fourth one this month, provided I get them up in the next five days or so. That's not exactly a bad thing, mind you, since I'm still trying to get a lot of things like that cycled out, and that's still happening.

It's just that I'm screwing around with that instead of, say, finishing Final Fantasy 9, for example, or actually making some of the YouTube videos I keep talking about. There are always good intentions, of course, but as is so often the case, I don't have as much as I'd like to show for those intentions.

I've known this sort of thing has been a problem for me for a long time. I recall mentioning it when I started my Final Fantasy 6 Text Play, saying I was at least somewhat aware of it being an issue back when I was in high school. I'm sure there are ways to make dealing with this sort of thing. I'm just not sure how many of them are viable for someone of my means.

Part of the point of this post is to get some thoughts written down somewhere so that I might be a little more likely to actually get on with them. I had at least intended to mention that I've got a little extra free time this week, so the plan right now is to make an attempt at actually finishing FF9, finally. I'm not sure I'll actually pull it off, but I should at least make the attempt. I've been saying for awhile now that I've pretty much got all the in-game equipment and skills I'm going to, so I really need to just get on with getting on here.

After that, I don't know. A big part of the problem is something I've mentioned a couple times recently, in that my backlog has been fairly big lately. I'm hoping that finally being done with even one thing in it will help me keep going and get more of it done.

With all that in mind, I'm going to wrap this up, get it set to post and then get some sleep so I can maybe somewhat well rested so I can get on with using some of that extra time I keep talking about. We'll see you soon, folks. Have a good however long, and stay cool and hydrated if you're someplace where it's going to be hot the next few days.

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