Monday, November 11, 2019

A Week Early

For the fireplace in the home we rented, anyway.

Part of the reason I look forward to these little trips my family takes from time to time is that the homes we often rent usually have fireplaces in them. The way I remember these things from when I was quite a bit younger is that said fireplaces were available, if not all year, then at least at the times we were there, generally the spring, but more recently in the fall.

The last couple times I’ve been out there, though, things have been a little different. A couple years ago, there wasn’t a fireplace at all, and this time, the one we had was closed until October, which started about a week after we got there. That said, a fire in the evening would have been nice once or twice while we were there. Plus, I’d brought along some reading material I’d printed off the Internet, thinking I’d be able to just toss them on the fire when I was done with them and not have to worry about bringing the scrap paper back home to drop in the recycle bin when I got home.

But, like I was saying, it’s fine that there wasn’t an option for having a fire. There was plenty of other stuff to do, so it’s OK if that one option was, as WallieB26 might say, not meant to be. I’m sure I’ll have plenty to say about how the trip was still pretty good regardless. See you soon with that.

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