Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Thumb(nail) Ideas

Maybe not the best title ever, but it fits the need of the post, if nothing else.

This is something I got to thinking about after putting up the video I did about the cheese I found at Menards awhile back. For a while now, I've been making and using uploaded photos from my phone for thumbnail images on my JMShearer Tries videos. It's mostly been because I'd been having trouble getting decent auto-generated ones from the videos themselves in those cases. I've noticed it's helped at least a little bit with view counts and subscribers since I've started doing that, for as limited as it's been.

I'm considering getting a little more complex about those, adding a little text to the images for what may be a little added effect. I've certainly got options for that, and it might do me some good to learn about that.

I'm also considering making a title card for my Coffee Time videos as well. If I do, it will at least start as a universal thing for all of the ones I make once I get it done.

The thing is, though, that this is all just me thinking in text form. I'm not entirely sure I want to go that route. On the one hand, I've already got ten times the number of both subscribers and average views I thought I'd have when I started making videos on a somewhat regular basis, and I'm proud of myself for that. On the other, I'd kind of like to see how much more I could do with both that and this writing thing I do here, as well. I'd like to think I've got at least some potential to do more with it, take it farther than I already have. After all, I've already put a lot of time and effort into this, and would like to see what more I can do with it.

At the same time, I know it's going to take a fair bit more time and effort than I've been giving it lately. Even after having just said I'd like to do more with all this stuff, I'm not sure if I'm actually up to the task. What I'm already doing takes a good bit of work, and between my day job and the adult, IRL stuff I've gotta be responsible for in my off time, I've been having trouble setting aside enough time to make even this much happen, let alone anything more.

If there's any good news here, it's that I might be able to give it a little more proper thought soon. There's some heavy-duty grown-up stuff I've got going on right now, and once I get though it, it might be a little easier to figure some of this stuff out.

Of course, that also depends on some other outcomes, but we'll deal with those when we get there. For now, I should probably wrap this up, set the auto-post, and get to bed.

See you soon, folks.

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