Sunday, February 20, 2011

Spring Time Snow Time

This is the time of year that really does make me think I’m out of my mind to live where I do.

I’m sure we’ve all heard that old adage about the month of March: In like a lion, out like a lamb or in like a lamb, out like a lion.  This month, it looks like March will be coming in like a lion.

We’ve got what I’m hoping is one last big winter storm happening right now in eastern South Dakota.  It started out with freezing rain that was bad enough to make me late for work this morning.  That much was my fault.  I should have known how bad the snow was going to be and made the proper adjustments.

During the day, we’ve had various amounts of sleet and ice falling, as well.  This has made driving even more difficult.  The main roads are pretty clear here, but the side streets in residential areas are not yet.  Getting home from work was quite the ordeal, and I’m looking forward to finally being done with snow until December.

One thing that really sucks about all this is that I’m supposed to meet some people who’re coming in on a flight tomorrow night.  Depending on where the plows go before I need to go to the airport, we may need to make other arrangements.

Only time will tell, of course.  I’m just looking forward to the end of the snow for the year.

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