Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Now I Remember Why I Make Schedules For Things

There's a reason for that, and I remember what it is now.

I'm the sort of guy who needs to have a schedule of some sort or a list of things to do. Admittedly, I'm not always great about sticking to it or particularly quick about getting the things on it done. But I seem to do a better job of actually getting them done at all when I make the schedule or list and publish it someplace.

With that in mind, I'm going to do something similar to what I do for my Looking Back blog series over at That Guy With The Glasses. I'm going to make a list of titles to look for in the near future and a brief description of what each will be about. In this case, the series will be called Now I Remember. Here's what the first, and possibly only two, articles in this series will be about, in no particular order:

  • Why I Want This To Work: I'm sure my regular followers here have noticed a dropoff in posting lately. It's in part because I've been a little depressed. The depression comes from other distractions that have also kept me from posting. A lot of that has been resolved now, which left me with a loss of focus on why I want this to work. Recent events at my day job have helped me find that focus again, and with any luck, I'll be motivated to get back to making this work again.
  • Why I Started Putting On Weight: I was actually kind of skinny as a kid, and in at least relatively good shape as recently as 15 years ago. Then things changed and I put on a ton of weight, to the point that now I'm little more than a sideshow attraction, a joke to be put on display at a fair. There's good news in that the weight is coming off again. There's bad news, too, sadly. I'm also beginning to remember why I started making the choices that put me in this position. Hopefully, talking about them will make it easier to move on in life and take the weight off.

I'm not sure if this will work here, but at this point, I don't think I've got much to lose by trying. So here we go, folks. With any luck, I'll have these out in the near future.

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