Thursday, September 15, 2011


Yeah, I've had a lot more of them than I'd like lately...
 Maybe it's because I tend to guzzle coffee and other caffeinated beverages in binges. Maybe it's because of changes in my weight recently. Maybe I'm coming down with something. Or it could be a few other lifestyle choices that I need to change.

The good news is that there have been a few changes for the better that have happened recently, some through my own efforts, some not. The good news is that I'm having less headaches now than I was when I originally wrote the first draft of this. It's something, right?

Only time will tell how much of it is from things I've done and how much is because of things beyond my control. The trick will be keeping up with the positive changes I've made.

At any rate, I'll keep at it and see what happens. I'm sure there'll be more posts about all this in the future.

Until then, folks, see you around!

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