Friday, September 16, 2011


They've been coming from a combination of stress, caffeine, and stories of the strange, of late.

So, I've been having bad dreams and nightmares recently. Usually, it's been around 3 AM or so. They've been nothing particularly scary. The last few times, it's been that some one or some thing has been shaking my bed.

From what I can tell, a combination of three things has been causing this. Those three things are stress, caffeine, and stories of strange and supernatural things. The caffeinated beverages and the stories I can do things about. The stress is something where my options are somewhat more limited.

Much as I like my coffee and other stimulating beverages, I really need to cut back on those. I'm sure it'll help me take off some of the weight I need to get rid of. It'll also help me sleep better, which will work into making several other things better, my weight included.

As for the stories of occult mysteries, I think I've read all the ones I know I've got available for the time being, so that's pretty much taken care of, too. My problem there is that I tend to read about ten of them at once, and they get me to thinking about scary stuff, which can give just about anybody nightmares.

The stress is a little harder to control. Some of it comes from work, which makes it a little hard to avoid, since having a job is something I kind of need to do, just like everybody else. One thing that's made things a little easier is that the stress level has gone down of its own accord recently, which I think is a good thing for everybody there.

There are, of course, a few things I can do to seek relief for what's left. I've been working on learning some new things as I go, as well as keeping in practice with a few others. The good news is that a lot of these things have become a little more effective recently, with the overall reduction in stress.

In fact, once I've got this posted, I may go work on one of my other stress reduction techniques.

So, until later, folks, have a good evening. Take care, all!

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