Tuesday, October 23, 2012

An iPhone Funny

I wouldn't have believed this had I not tried it myself.

Those of you who've been reading my Video Game Memories series on That Guy With The Glasses might have noticed that the string of entries I've been doing lately have all been about the educational games I grew up playing on various versions of the Apple II computer. Now, this is something that I may or may not have mentioned before, but back in August, I got an iPhone. It's a nice unit and everything. I guess it goes to show that maybe Apple deserves all the hype they've gotten since Bill Gates came back, even if Mr. Gates is no longer with the company, as it were.

But a funny thing happened this evening. I was just sitting here, trying to think up something to do before dinner, so I decided to see if I could get the emulator that runs all those old games to work on my iPhone. Turns out, no such luck. It's no big deal or anything, and I suppose there's an app for that if I really want it. It's just that I don't think I want to play Odell Lake on my iPhone badly enough to pay for the privilege. I had just thought that a browser-based emulator called Virtual Apple would stand a reasonably good chance of working on an iOS device, is all.

Just as well it doesn't work, though. I've got enough other things I should probably learn about that thing that I really shouldn't be wasting time or resources using it to play games. I'm sure there is, for example, a way to get screenshots so that I can post them to blogs, for instance, if I want.

I suppose I'd better get to that. See you soon, folks!

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