Friday, October 5, 2012

Following The Dream

I had an interesting chat with the host of The Walrus Life in the unrecorded portion of the show a few weeks back.

I'd called in to see if his Skype was still working, not expecting the call to go where it did or for as long as it did. At least some good may come of it.

In the course of the hour or so this call went for, there was talk of my going into management at my day job. Much as I may not like admitting it, the guy had a point when he said it may be the way I've gotta go right now.

Thing is, though, even after all these years of being proven wrong, I still keep thinking my life is going to go in other directions. There is, after all, a reason why I started off my college career by pursuing a bachellors degree in journalism, even if it did prove ill-fated, and why I've spent so many years writing blogs of one sort or another, either here or for That Guy With The Glasses.

Now, I know these aren't exactly incompatible options, but I don't exactly want to shoot myself in the foot any more than I already have on this by choosing one over the other too soon, either. See, from what I understand, there are possible openings for talent at TGWTG and its parent company, Channel Awesome. I don't want to screw myself out of a chance at that by committing to a management position where I am now, nor do I want to rule out the management thing just in case I'm wrong about what Channel Awesome is offering.

And all of this is assuming, of course, that I haven't gotten myself fired for other stuff I do online and on the job. Sadly, I am not in the greatest place ever right now, and going about this stuff the wrong way will only hurt me.

What it comes down to is that I want to follow my dream, but I know I've gotta be careful about it. As always, there's more to come on this as I figure things out.

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