Thursday, October 18, 2012

TEXT PLAY: Legend of Mana (PlayStation; 2000): Issue #37: “Where's The Mission, Boone?”

Not where you'd expect, and maybe not what you'd think, all things considered.

The good news is that I don't have to use artifacts to get quests if I don't want to. The bad news is that since I've never made it quite this far in the game before, I'm not entirely sure where they might be. So to start this issue off, I got my pet Rabbite out of the barn and went to the Luon Highway to see if I could get myself some enchanted coins. I managed to pull it off this time by playing an upbeat tune for the Undine I found there. Got some Undine Silver for the trouble. And then I figured I may as well go for an actual quest, too, so that I'd have something decent to write about this time, which in this case meant a trip to Domina.

While there, I found our good buddy Elazul hanging out in the pub. He says he's looking for a friend, and since nobody else is coming, I'll take the case. The fact that he's asking me to stay out of it tells me he's looking for Pearl, so I insist upon going, for which I guess he's grateful. As we get ready to leave the pub, Pearl shows up and asks to come with. Elazul tells her that it isn't safe, and he's right for a change. But I've gotta add that I suppose it's not safe in Domina, either. And since I had to go and say that, the only real option I've got now is to invite her to stay at my place for awhile. Looks like I'll be getting that female character in my house without actually having to play one after all.

After a brief and ultimately unsuccessful search in a few other likely places where I thought I'd find Pearl instead, I went back to my place. When I went into the house, Elazul told me to look out for Pearl and that he was headed off to a place called Geo to look for something. I know I don't have Geo on the map at this point, and I'm not sure I even have the artifact to put it there yet. That's when it hit me that I didn't actually have a quest going at this point. As a result, this little voice in my head that sounded like Sandoval from Earth: Final Conflict started asking me where the mission was, hence the title of this issue.

Then I remembered that the guy who can at least potentially open up the rest of my workshops for me is in the Junkyard area. So, I went there and talked to him. His name is Professor Bomb, and he says he built this golem that escaped, and he needs somebody to go find it and stop it for him before it does something bad.

Suddenly, this has gone from a Mana game to Monster Rancher. I mean, here I am, a guy with a barnyard in which I actually do have a pet rabbit monster, which is with me at the moment, and can potentially have an eyeball monster as well, and I'm talking to a guy who wants me to go looking for a Golem to fight. The only clue Bomb gives me to where his robotic creation might be is that I should go see the fortune teller in Domina. She says that there's going to be a “special encounter” by the lake. So, I need to go to Lake Kilma to find this thing.

At the lake, I find the thing almost right off, and after a short chase, there's a trail of broken toys that leads directly to the golem again. It says it wants to take over the world. Kicking its ass is no problem, and back at Bomb's lab he says he'll reprogram the golem. No offer to help with my own lab, no suggestion that he'll be there at all, and worst off, no new artifact at the end of the quest.

I guess the best thing to do now is to see what I can do about getting to Geo. Along the way, I might see what I can do about getting the rest of my workshops opened up as well. But that's for next issue, which I think I'll call In Search Of Geo. Until then, stay safe, have fun, keep gaming, and DFTBA!

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