Friday, December 30, 2011

Almost Over

At least for another year, anyway.

I haven't been what one might call a fan of the winter holidays for... well, a rather large portion of my life, really.  There are quite a few reasons for that, most of which are not for public consumption at this point in my life.  Suffice to say that almost all of them can be summed up with the phrase "unnecessary drama".

This has been an especially rough year in that department, due to some particularly unnecessary drama going on in the worst places.  It's been the sort of thing that could have been relatively easily avoided if certain individuals would just learn when to keep their mouths shut.  And I'm going to include myself in that because, hey, I'm man enough to admit I have that problem myself from time to time.  It may be beside the point, but it's also true.

With any luck, though, the big issues have been dealt with.  It would have been nice to see then avoided, but that can't always happen, nor should it.

There are always good things along the way, too.  At least I get to spend time with family, and this season really only lasts a couple weeks out of the year, at the very end.

The best part is that yes, it's finally a few days from being over and done with for another year.  I don't know about anybody else, but I'm damn glad of it.

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