Thursday, April 26, 2012

Post Number 300

I could spend days trying to come up with something suitably epic and not do it, so I'll just do this instead.

I guess I'll just say thank you to those of you who read all this nonsense by way of Twitter, Facebook, or even the RSS feed that some of you even use.  That's one thing I really hadn't expected or planned on.

I'd say something being happy or surprised or some other such profound, emotional thing about this particular milestone, but I'm not feeling that.  I hadn't really thought about how far this thing would go, how many entries there'd be when I started.  I just thought it would be a good idea and started doing it to see how long it would go, and here I am, still at it a year and a half and 300 posts later.  So, yay me, I guess.

I suppose if there's anybody specific to thank, it would be the Walrus from and ZFL.  There was that one time he read one of my posts on his show, and I think that helped some.  So, thanks for that.

Otherwise, that's about it for this post.  Here's to another 300 posts, I suppose.

And now, back to your regularly scheduled nonsense...

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