Friday, August 17, 2012

Number 400: Little Bravo of the FFRC

So, I guess I'll be doing a special 400th post after all.

I was thinking about this the other day, and decided that I probably should.  The original draft I was working on was along the lines of "Oh, look at me, I've got 400 posts on my blog now!  I'm special!" because I didn't have anything better and I wanted to mark the milestone.

Thing of it is, though, in the last few months, there's this uStream channel I've become sort of fond of, the Friends of Felines Rescue Center channel.  I've always been kind of a sucker for cats.  Not sure why, really, but I am.  Maybe it's the combination of them being warm and the purring.

The one big thing that's been going on there in the last few weeks deals with this little black kitty named Bravo, who was born with messed up hind legs.  So, Wednesday or Thursday, he was taken to the vet to have the legs amputated.  My understanding is that the surgery went well and Bravo seemed to be doing fine afterwards.  I missed seeing him go around the place unencumbered by his bad legs, but I hear he managed to have it all figured out.  He was even eating a bit.

I never got to see Bravo, that I can remember, before his operation.  I was hoping to see him after, because it sounds like it was really neat to see him getting around on just his two front legs.  I could use a little inspiration right now, and Little Bravo might still be it.

But just before one in the morning, shelter time, Little Bravo took a big turn for the worse, and died.  Word is that nobody really knows why.  Sometimes these things just happen, really.  I guess that's all there is to know, and it was Bravo's time to set course for home.

Wherever that home may be, I hope Bravo's got four good legs to run around on, all the treats he can handle, and an equal amount of love.  With that in mind, I dedicate this milestone post to him.  And the Text Play post that I just put up as well.  I may have been thinking of my own fantasies when I wrote that, but somehow, I suspect he would have really liked a forest full of birdies to chase around.  And from the stories I've seen posted about the little guy, he might even have been the best fighter in my party, had he been an NPC in Legend of Mana.

And as with so many things I've done tonight, here's something I get the feeling is a little wrong, but at the same time is just as right in the same ways.  I find myself saying to departed little Bravo the words to the Brunnen-G fight theme from LEXX: Yo Way Yo, Bravo.  This is in your honor.

See you around, little fella!


  1. What a wonderful tribute to one special little guy.. Thank you Jesse..

    1. Gladly. Bravo sounded like a wonderful little kitty, and I feel bad about not having gotten a chance to see him.

    2. Jesse - there are plenty of photos and videos of the little guy, he was so strong and brave that we all loved him. Thanks for writing about him.sit_becca_rest
