Friday, August 17, 2012

TEXT PLAY: Legend of Mana (PlayStation; 2000): Issue #27: Sugar Maple Forrest (Some NSFW Links)

This bit of commentary is going to take a turn towards NSFW territory, folks. That's one reason why there's always a jump for folks reading this from the front page of my blog.

Before we get into the meat and bones of this one, though, I suppose I should mention the pet zombie I got from the Bone Fortress. I forgot to mention that last time because I was thinking with the wrong head when I was writing about the experience. It even hatched out right away for me once I got back to the barn. Must have been the rotten meat I used as bait for the egg. I named him Ed Frid, after the animal control guy on The Red Green Show. I figure I should bring it up now because I took it along on the quest at hand here, and it'll factor in later.

Moving on to said quest, this time we're using an Artifact called the Green Cane that we got from Larc at the end of the last mission. This generates an area called the White Forrest. Looks kind of like a sugar maple forest to me. I'm hoping there's a little sugar to be had here, even if it is only of the maple kind. Been awhile since I've had any of that.

It should come as no surprise that this place is the home area of Vadise the Dragon of Light and her dragoon, Sierra. As the quest starts, Larc explains all this and then goes so far as to say that he's even got someone he only refers to as “her” all scented out for us. It might sound a little hypocritical of me to call that creepy, considering the things I've been saying the last few issues of this, but there's something I think I need to make clear here: while it could be assumed that Larc means Vadise, I think the stronger implication here is that he means Sierra. This might just be my American mindset here, but I'm not sure which is creepier, that a 35-year-old man like me is still gushing over video game characters or that there's a little implied sibling “love” going on here.

At any rate, it's a game of hot and cold as Larc guides us to his sister and her master. Part of the reason I brought Ed Frid along was that I thought there were more undead monsters in here, but given that it's a forest, there's more birds and plant monsters in here. Can't really blame me much for the confusion, though, given the place I grew up and still live. Not many forests to be found here, I'm afraid.

Once we actually get to where we're going, Sierra shows up and has a battle of words with Larc. This is where it's officially revealed that yes, they are brother and sister. Just when it looks like we might wind up seeing one of them die here, Vadise shows up and talks them out of it, saying that siblings shouldn't resort to killing one another. I quite agree, being a big brother myself. For the moment, there's not going to be a boss fight here, as Larc spares Sierra and Vadise for allowing him access to the Mana Crystal here. Larc sends the crystal's power to Drakonis, telling himself that he knows what he's about to do is wrong, but he's doing it to get free of the evil that he's about to unleash on Fa'Diel, and silently telling his sister that he's sorry.

Of course, all this only takes a moment, and on his way out, Larc essentially ditches us with Sierra and Vadise. Worse yet, as he runs out, all he gives us this time is a little Visiel Gold. Given the routine that tends to follow, the only thing that really went through my head was part of a George Carlin routine. (NSFW)

With Larc's part of this arc over and done with, he runs back to the Underworld, leaving us to deal with his sister and her master. Now, there's where I'd like it to go (NSFW, login- and age-based content filter), but given what's actually going on here, I doubt trying to impersonate the Doctor in Waters of Mars would be very smart of me, especially in light of the fact that the game has other goals for us. And past experience with this game tells me that I should offer this warning about how much of a doozy the test of strength that we're about to have tends to be. The funny thing is that my usual luck in this game sees the first attempt at this ending the same way real-life me would were my little fantasy to come true: like the Eleventh Doctor's fez.

A funny thing happened this time around, though. It's because I brought my pet zombie Ed Frid along, which is something I hadn't really ever done before. Not only did giving Sierra an extra target to kill, and yes, she did kill Ed, in part because his level was so low, help some, but when Ed came back to unlife, he tried to eat her brain or something and poisoned her, which really helped too. And with Sierra out of the fight, Vadise is much easier with a second pair of hands, alive or not, too.

When the fight ends, Vadise and Sierra ask us to help defeat Drakonis and save not only the world, but more importantly, Sierra's dear brother Larc. Because I'm out to save the world myself, I think I'll say yes. We'll be going to meet Sierra at the entrance to the Underworld next issue, where I'm almost certain I'll wind up making a rather awkward joke that we were all spared having to endure this time.

But before I get to that, I think I had better do one or two issues of the Final Fantasy series and a little freeforming, just so I don't come across as too much of a pervy, furry douchebag, although it might be a little late for that.

At any rate, I'll see you with more stuff soon. Possibly a timey-wimey detector, who knows. But as always, stay safe, keep gaming, have fun, and DFTBA!

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