Thursday, August 9, 2012

TEXT PLAY: Legend of Mana (PlayStation; 2000): Issue #24: o/~ On Top Of Spaghetti... o/~

Let's get this going again, shall we? First things first, gotta go get Larc from the entrance to the Underworld. He tells us it's off to the mountains

So, we're going after the first of the Mana Dragons in the game, a Wind Drake named Akravator, I think it is. He lives with a clan of bird men in a place called the Norn Peaks. There's a forest area that leads up to the Wing Clan's village at the base of the mountains. On the way through there, we run into another Dragoon. Her name, as I've mentioned, is Sierra, and let me tell you, she's a feisty little thing. There seems to be a connection between her and Larc, to the point that they look very similar. I'm sure there's a reason for that, but we'll have to wait awhile to see what it is, as she runs off after a brief but tense confrontation. Sierra tells us that Satan is lying to us. Yeah, no shit. I'll bet she'll even go so far as to tell me that being morbidly obese is bad for me. Whoda thunk it, right?

Anyway, after a few battles, we finally get to the village where Akravator's dragoons live. They know who we are and they're going to do everything they can to stop us from getting to him. They offer some resistance, but really nothing we can't handle. The monsters going up the mountain aren't that much more difficult, all things considered, but there is a barrier about halfway up that won't come down until we take out the dragon's three main dragoons. These guys are three mini-bosses found at encounter points about halfway up the mountain. You'll know them when you see them. Relatively speaking, not so hard, but no gold or experience for the effort. At least the regular monsters give it out good.

It's still a ways to the top of the mountain, with a few more decent fights. At the entrance to the boss chamber, there's four more Wind Dragoons in training, but Larc murders the hell out of them because he's a man on a mission. Akravator's to the left, and this time, there was an avian egg to the right. Since my barnyard was maxed out, I sold the egg for ten gold.

And then there's the boss fight. Akravator's more than a little hard, having really high defense and some super-powerful attacks. I guess that's to be expected of a Mana Dragon, though. Funny thing about Larc here. You'd think that the Dragoon for Drakonis, the game's version of Satan, would be stronger than he turned out to be. Instead, he got knocked the fuck out, leaving me to fight alone for a little while. Fortunately, I managed to stay alive long enough for Larc to come around again and help finish the fight.

Once that's over with, Larc leads us into a room with a Mana Crystal and hands us something called the Dragon Bone before touching the crystal, sending its power to his master. With this mission over, I think I'm gonna go back to the hero's place and save the game and stuff. Larc leaves, saying that destiny can't be escaped. We'll get back to him soon enough, of course, but if memory serves, there's an Academy of Magic quest I can do alone before I can go after the second Mana Dragon.

But that's for later, folks. Until then, stay safe, have fun, keep gaming, and DFTBA.

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